Saturday, January 12, 2008

Learning is the shizzle!

Remember when kids got all their education from that purple dinosaur, Barney? That was so 1993. Nowadays, kids have a fuzzy wigger bear to teach them.

Similar to Barney, Hip Hop Harry encourages children to read and learn, but through upbeat and positive hip hop singing & rapping. Actually, isn't that what Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch used to do?

In a segment called "My Favorite Things" from "Hip Hop Harry - Fun With Friends," kids bring a favorite thing to show their friends. Kendra brings her pet bunny, Ribbons. However, William secretly opens Ribbons' cage and the bunny runs away. So Hip Hop Harry explains to Kendra that, to keep her props, she must retaliate and busta cap in William's ass.

In "Words Have Power," the kids learn that words have the power to make someone feel good or bad. As an example Hip Hop Harry welcomed Katie, who is new to Hip Hop Central, calling her a fine ass bitch; but dissed Megan, labeling her a skeeza and a skank-ass hoe.

And I'll throw this picture in here, for the hell of it.