Saturday, March 15, 2008

Things I Notice in TV and Movies and That, For Some Reason, Bother Me

The Office Bar
In TV and movies, executives often have bars in their offices. Drinks are poured with ice cubes from the ice bucket on the bar.

How do they keep the ice frozen and readily available? Does a secretary replenish the bucket every hour? And where are these companies that allow employees to drink at work?

I'll Have A Beer
A guy sits down at a bar. The bartender asks "What'll it be?" The guy replies, "a beer." Moments later a bottle of beer arrives.

A good TV/movie bartender knows -- without asking -- what brand of beer the customer wants.

A family enjoys breakfast before the parents head to work and the children go to school. The morning sun is shining through the windows, dad sips coffee and reads the paper, and the children eat cereal while convincing mom that their homework is done.

What time of day do these people start work? When I get up, it's pitch black outside and there's no time to catch up on the news. If I'm lucky, I have time to brush both my top and bottom teeth before hitting the road.

Keep the Change
When movie characters take a cab ride, have you ever seen them ask for change when paying the fare? Nope -- they just toss the driver some money and get out, because they always have the exact currency to cover the fare plus tip, or they're perfectly happy paying $100 for a $15 ride.


Bunny said...

We had a pretty well stocked bar at my old law firm. It seemed weird at first, but you get used to it. No ice buckets though - you had to go to the freezer for your ice. Most of us didn't break out the vodka tonics until after 4 p.m., unless we had something to celebrate.