Monday, October 10, 2005

Beer drinkers unite!

Beer losing its fizz among the drinking set

I must admit that, as I get older, my drink habits are changing. I'll start with beer but will often switch to screwdrivers, vodka-Red Bulls or mixed whiskey drinks. I'll even throw back some wine once in a while, but not in public.

The article says the beer industry needs to make beer cool again. With that , I would like to offer my ideas, along with this vintage photo, for a new ad campaign.


True Jersey Girl said...

Beer will always be cool with me. I tried being classy and drinking some wine at that wedding I went to but I barely drank half a glass when I was back to pounding the brews.

MG said...

Ok so, I'm not a beer drinker, but...when I've had a few stiff drinks I've been known to pick up my dates bottle and I'd have to say that Miller Lite rules... (not that u asked)

Lil Bit said...

Miller Lite tastes like fuckin' water. If ya want to drink beer... then move on up & expand your horizons & become a beer connaisseur, my lil drunk! ;)
There are sooooooooo many beers out there. American beer just flat out SUCKS. Sorry, but it does. LOL!!!!

Lil Bit said...

You look 12 yrs old in that ad! LMAO

Wirthy said...

Lil Bit, when I drink beer I drink it in high quantity. While imports and microbrews may provide richer flavors, I find it difficult to drink more than a few at a time. I can go for hours and hours, drinking Miller Lite.