Monday, September 19, 2005

I'm a movie I've never heard of

Take this test to find out what classic movie you are.


What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by


rebecca marie said...

huh. i did the full forty-five questions and apparently i'm sunset boulevard as well. also? i have no real idea what that means.

(public service announcement: my word verification is "itcuzeq")

Lila said...

I'm Apocalypse Now. That can't be a good thing.

... said...

I'm "raiders of the lost ark" kick fucking ass becuase i wanted to be the female indie baby!

and i see my quirk is spreading... ah yes my children - the word verification is talking to you!
npndm - a word for when doom is sure to come!!!

DaMasta said...

dammit, i'm platoon. what the hell does that mean? i haven't even seen that movie.

Anonymous said...

I was the GODFATHER, how about that.

Bsoholic said...

I am 'Shindler's List', I did the fourty-five part question.

I too have no idea what that is supposed to mean.