Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Damn, there goes another one of my brilliant ideas

Lawnmower driver charged with DUI


ALRO said...

DUI guy: "I *hic*.. I *hic*.. Whah?"

Police: "I asked if you'd been drinking, sir?"

DUI guy: "I *hic* What? oh me?? oh hell no... I juss have a few!"

Police: "A few what?"

DUI Guy: "Whaaaat ..?? I shaid I sang outta tune... Have *hic* have *hic* have you been smok'hin' somephun..?"

Police : "No - have you smoked anything today?"

DUI Guy: "Me - no no.. I just have about 12 beers....oooooh hehehe... you *hic* you *hic* you goth me, you bass'ard,"