Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I don't even remember how to do this

It's been a month since I've been here. What the hell has happened to me? I went from having 22 hours of free time a day to having two jobs and barely enough time to have two beers and a quick glance at some internet porn before going to bed.

I was a happy guy, putting in 4 hours of work a day, coming home by 3:30pm and drinking myself into a silly, drunken, stupid...um... stupor. Now I go to work at 6:30am, come home around 4:30pm, and work for another few hours - all for $21,500!

Anyway, let me catch you up on what I've been up to:

I lied and said I was a web site designer and got a job as a web site designer.

In two consecutive nights, I saw four hair bands in concert: Tesla, Poison, Cinderella and Skid Row.

I bought a treadmill.

As the result of a drunken houseboating accident, I now go to the chiropractor three times a week and spend most of my day with an ice pack on my back.

For the first time ever, a team I was rooting for won the NBA championship.

Found out I can hang 8 pair of jeans on my treadmill.

Got my condo painted.


angie, party of one said...

Oh how I've missed you so. I was crying to power ballads until your post finally arrived, and lo and behold I find TESLA on it?! I love Tesla, and now, I love you.
Welcome back chosen one.

Arbusto said...

I had a friend who built Tesla coils. Realy working ones.

the NBA sucks.

Stephanie said...

Treadmills are GREAT for hanging laundry!!! That's why I bought mine!!

JM said...

Hate it when I get into drunken houseboat accidents.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Doesn't having to work for a living suck! I have found that reclining bicycles are also excellent for hanging all manner of laundry - jeans, delicate undergarments, "lay flat to dry" sweaters! How similar we are! r

Anonymous said...

Not that I thought you gave a shit about the World Cup Soccer, but thought you and others may want to check out this perspective.


Hope that works. It's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

you should take your blog offline. its a tease to check it ever now and again and see the date of June 11th...

Anonymous said...

i mean july...maybe I'M the new drunk...

WendyC said...

Over a month now... I am going to be forced to take you off my blogroll... ;)