Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The one for me

This just dawned on me. I think I've finally found my perfect woman: Dana Reeve, widow of Christopher Reeve.

Think about it: most women aren't interested in a guy like me who can barely walk, but she just spent nine years with a guy who couldn't even move his finger. I can move all my fingers - whenever I want!!! I can move my head from side to side. I can breathe on my own. I can drive a car both sober and drunk. I can prepare light lunches. I go to the bathroom all by myself. I can speak more than 10 words in a minute. To her, I'm Superman!

Dana, give me a call.


mELLISsa said...

oh my,
wow just wow, thats really all i got
did she ever call?? :-P