Monday, October 18, 2004

Still sober

I am over 40 hours into my latest attempt at long-term sobriety, which is about the 4th longest sober streak I've ever had.

Being sober is sort of like having super powers. Last night I was able to untie both shoes without falling over repeatedly and this afternoon I lifted a burning car off of a small boy.

Tonight I watched the series finale of MacGyver which originally aired in 1992. For months I've been watching that show in a drunken haze. Let me tell - that's the best way to watch it. At the end of the final show, MacGyver rides off on a motorcycle with his son that he met for the first time 46 minutes earlier. TVLAND is now starting the series over with season #1. I'm not sure if I'll continue watching, especially since I just realized that WGN airs Magnum P.I. daily.


Tanya Kristine said...

you watch mcgyver like i was roseanne.

i'll bet neither could stand either.