Monday, June 20, 2005

Signs that I had a good weekend

Saturday morning I woke up wearing Friday's clothes.

There are multiple charges on my credit card, although I don't recall using it.

Most of Sunday, my arm was covered in blood, and I didn't care.

Despite brushing my teeth many times, the taste of cigars and alcohol still lingers.

Yesterday I drank at seven different bars, and the first and last one are over 200 miles apart.

Speaking of weekends, check this out.


Tanya Kristine said...

that WAS brilliant!

you're at work? after drinking at 7 bars? that's your problem: you're never hung over. if you never get punished, you'll never stop...course that never stopped me.

Wirthy said...

Who ever said I wasn't hung over?

Vixen said...

That's awesome! I had a nice cuban monticristo stogie myself this weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

I think the art here is being hung over and still be able to function at work ..

So are you functional at work or just decoration?

Tanya Kristine said...

Hmm...i wasn't hungover today either. but i always feel guilty.

it's the 39 thing that you don't take seriously, Mr. Wirthy. you'll see....yoooou'll see....

Mona said...

Wow...this really is a drunkalog. I commend your determination in your interests. Found you on tanya kristine's site...great stuff!

Tanya Kristine said...

Wiiiirrthyyyyy...where aaarrre yooooou?

the weekends coming up...well, not like that matters.

having a cocktail after work. wish you and your chick and your macgyver re-runs lived nearby