Saturday, March 15, 2008

Side Effects May Include Uncontrollable Fun

Sitting in my recliner, sipping coffee, watching "Beverly Hills 90210" -- my usual Saturday morning routine -- I catch a commercial for a drug called Mirapex. Assuming it's another ad for a hair loss solution or one for erectile dysfunction, I pay it little attention. But then I hear the warning that possible adverse effects may include uncontrollable gambling and hypersexuality.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Rewind. Rewind again. And again.

It turns out that Mirapex is a medication for treating Parkinson's disease and Restless Legs Syndrome. And after further research, I learned that side effects may indeed include compulsive gambling and an increased sex drive.

So the next time I find my drunken self in Vegas, I'll be armed with a weekend's supply of Mirapex -- gamblin' and screwin'! Sure, it may also cause dizziness and nausea, but Vegas alone usually causes that.


angie, party of one said...

OH MY GOD! I thought I was the ONLY person in America watching 90210 every Saturday morning. Welcome my brother, welcome.

Effortlessly Average said...

"Sure, it may also cause dizziness and nausea, but Vegas alone usually causes that."

So does sex, if done right.

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