Friday, September 17, 2004

More MacGyver

My friend Tanya from Minnesota e-mailed me this afternoon and told me she hoped that I would not drink alone tonight. Unfortunately, neither she nor anyone else stopped by, so I did end up drinking by myself. Why do I constantly do this? Is it because I have low self-esteem? Is it because I'm slowly trying to end this miserable life? Or could it have something to do with the fact that my house is stocked with more liquor than a...umm...a liquor-selling place, and there's nobody here but me to drink it?

I caught a couple more episodes of MacGyver tonight on TVLND. I learned MacGyver doesn't like guns because, when he was a kid, he and some friends played with a gun and one of his friends accidentally got shot to death. MacGyver as an adult also does not drink alcohol. Tonight he said, that at age 11, he and his friend Freddie polished off a 6-pack of beer inside of an hour. Freddie later died drinking and driving. MacGyver is such a pussy! Who among us didn't kill a friend the first time we played with a gun? Whose friend didn't drive off a cliff after drinking beer for the first time? Get back on that horse, MacGyver!

I also caught a couple episodes of Cheers. Damn that TVLND channel is great! Sam Malone had on a cardigan sweater in both shows. I think I'll start wearing those again.

Well, it's after 2:00 a.m. again. Luckily it's Work-From-Home-Friday today. I haven't stayed up this late since Tuesday night, which happened to be right before Work-From-Home-Wednesday.