Monday, September 06, 2004

Unspeakable act

A horribly gruesome and disgusting thing occurred this morning. I am barely able to bring myself to recount it.

This morning after shaving I removed the blade from my razor and went to toss it in the garbage. But in what can only be described as a momentary complete lapse of judgment, I tossed the blade cartridge into the toilet.

I stared at the blade now resting at the bottom of my toilet bowl for what was probably only a few seconds but felt like hours. What were my options? Can I flush it? Should I use the toilet brush to fish it out? What if by doing so, I nudged it out of reach?

It soon became clear what I would have to do.

I bent down over the bowl and submerged my left hand into the water which went up past my wrist. Quickly I grabbed the razor cartridge and yanked my hand out.

Despite being quite traumatized, I managed to keep my wits about me. I scrubbed my hand and arm with hot water and Dial hand soap. Not quite satisfied I took a shower using a bar of Dial soap and Old Spice Body Wash. I have also decided to no longer use that hand ever again.