Thursday, September 15, 2005

Britney holds baby for a moment, hands him off to nanny

A nurse at UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica, CA has reported that, after delivering her son via Caesarean section, Britney Spears held the baby for a moment and then gave him to her nanny.

“I’ve seen many new-mommy moments, but I never grow tired of them,” said nurse Nancy Carlton. “Britney stared at her son for, what had to be, at least a minute and then handed him over to her nanny. It was all very sweet.”

Carlton also said that Britney gave the nanny a phone number where she can be reached for the next five years.

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Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

OMG, is that true? Ugh. Poor child.

BUMBLE!!! said...

Well, I guess it's safe to say that Satan has returned to Earth!! Happy HNT And all of that good stuff.