Friday, September 09, 2005

C'mon, lighten up

Firefighters disciplined over porn e-mail

These guys go into burning buildings to save lives. Let them look at some goddamn porn if they want!


DaMasta said...

Yeah! And I answer the phones all day saying the same thing a billion times a day, LET ME BLOG FOR GOD SAKES!

... said...

Felt bad about what they did my ass - they felt bad about getting caught and being publicly humiliated. For fuck's sake these guys are constantly trapped in a little house with lots of other men for days. And they have to go play hero at fires and get none of the hero sex that is shown in the movies. They can't even jack off before they go to bed at night because they are sleeping in a damn cot next to Joe Somebody. Give em some god damn porn! I'm voting for free porn (Mags, dvd's, whatever) for all public services workers! Maybe then cops wouldn’t be so pissy.