Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It's better to give than to receive

After showing what girlfriend got me for Christmas, lots of you (two or three) asked what I got for girlfriend.

I didn't spend too much this year. Last year I bought her diamond earrings, despite only knowing her for two months. Looking back, I probably over did it for our first Christmas. But a guy will do what he has to, in order to "get some."

Like I said, I spent a little less this year. I keep reminding girlfriend that I'm not cheap, just poor. I bought her a Starmate Replay Sirius Satellite Radio - the gift of Howard Stern. I also got her a necklace, some crossword puzzle books, a bottle of her favorite wine and a charger for her cell phone (pretty romantic, huh).


Lil Bit said...

Actually, she racked UP!!... was more than I got from hubby... which was nothing. Yes, you read that right. NO THING. *smack*
So, hey... throw me a crossword book or a beer or something. LOL!

Pud said...

She still got jewelry, which means you still look at her romantically.

rebecca marie said...

things like crossword puzzle books and phone chargers are *real* gifts. the other things are totally cliche. give me what i a) need and 2) really want. true appreciation and love.

you did good.

Chuck said...

Yeah, I'd say she racked it in too!

Mrs. Architect said...

aww, i think you did great! Those are all great gifts!

angie, party of one said...

SIRIUS is the best gift you can get someone. She'll never listen to commercial filled radio again.

curmudgeon said...

Stern? That's a lump of coal in the stocking.
The other stations would be good though.