The laptop I "borrowed" from my office so Work-from-home-Fridays could be Work-from-bed-Fridays, Work-from-patio-Fridays and Work-from-couch-Fridays just died.
For a couple weeks the screen would flicker and this morning it finally went black. Now I'm stuck working from my desktop computer in my bedroom. So I have two options:
- Buy a new laptop, or
- Move my big-screen TV into my bedroom every Friday.
Noooooo!!!! Work from home Friday must continue!!! Wire your desktop computer up so that all you need to take in the living room is the keyboard.
So are you going to take the dead one back to work and just plant it somewhere so it looks like you never "borrowed" it? That would kick ass. By the way, what do you do for a living?
I saw your link on Tinapopo's blog roll. very funny stuff.
Angie, believe it or not, I design postcards for a living. Bet you don't know anyone who does that.
I say bring it ALL into the bedroom! There was a time when I had the big screen AND a mini ice box in MY bedroom lol.
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