Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dear Wirthy

DEAR WIRTHY: I am a 47-year-old woman who has been married for 19 years to a good man. He's a good father and husband who doesn't even drink. So please tell me why I cannot stand him anymore -- his voice, his laugh and anything about him. I just want out, and I don't know why. Please tell me what to do. -- LET ME OUT

DEAR LET ME: You think you have it bad? Your husband's married to a 47-year-old. That can't be a treat. Look for him to start drinking very soon.

DEAR WIRTHY: What is the appropriate way to inform my family and friends that my wedding has been canceled. -- NOTTA BRIDE

DEAR NOTTA: Don't worry -- empty church, no minister, no bride, no groom -- they'll figure it out eventually.

DEAR WIRTHY: I'm 17 and have a 14-year-old sister who is mentally retarded. My mother recently asked me to promise that I'll always take care of her when she no longer can. I think it's unfair but Mom says it's my obligation because she's family. What do I do? -- BIG BROTHER

DEAR BIG BROTHER: If the time does come when your mother looks to you to continue caring for your retarded sister, simply take "sis" to the mall and leave; or put her on a bus to anywhere -- she'll never find her way back.


Effortlessly Average said...

"...He's a good father and husband who doesn't even drink. So please tell me why I cannot stand him anymore -- his voice, his laugh and anything about him. I just want out, and I don't know why."

And here I thought my wife didn't even know about your blog.

Anonymous said...

The 47 year old may not be able to stand her husband, but living with him still beats trying to make a house payment by yourself.

TK Kerouac said...

whats wrong with 47 , I'd say Im a hot 47, geezzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

You!!! You are just adorable!

Naughty Endevours said...

Bwaaahaahhahaha. This is rich!