Saturday, January 19, 2008

Remember this one? "One More Try"

"One More Try"
Timmy T

This song hit the top of the Billboard Charts in 1990. While I do remember it from when I was in high school, back then I lived in a small remote village without MTV so I didn't know what Timmy T looked like. Now that I have seen him, I have the same sickening feeling that I got when I first actually saw a Color Me Badd video.

Here's the original video, but skip it and go down to the live performance below -- it's much better.

So much going on here: the hair and those background dancers. Apparently poor Timmy couldn't afford good dancers. I think they signaled me to bunt or steal second a couple times.


Sudiegirl said...


I was in college when this song came out, I think.

It's worse live!

Tish said...

Thanks for the disturbing video. ;)