Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Who doesn't like boobs?

Breast- feeders must cover

Anytime a woman wants to whip 'em out, that's alright with me.


Pete said...

I'm going to have to disagree.

I'm willing to roll the dice and see whatever boobs in whatever state of undress or feeding.

In the interest of full disclosure, I do have 3 kids (who were all breastfed) so it doesn't gross me out in the slightest.

Randy said...

I'm all for gals breast-feeding wherever, if that's what they want to do. It does annoy me when I happen upon them and they look at me like I'm invading the privacy they insist on not having.

Wirthy--thanks for the info about cerebral palsy. It sounds almost like the opposite of my boys' autism--their physical functions are just fine, but important areas of their brains are damaged.

KOM said...

I'm all for boobs, but people need to get over themselves. They're food bags, people, not sexual organs. It's inconceivable to me that it could be illegal for women to be topless in any situation.

rebecca marie said...

"snot nosed runt attached to it?"

i'm sooo sorry for that woman.

the banned breastfeeders should just come to portland oregon where public nudity is legal. and by "legal," i mean, not illegal. the statute actually says "public nudity is not illegal unless the individual has the intent to become sexually aroused."

hee hee... "your honor, i didn't intend to become aroused, but i also didn't indendt for her to walk by...."