Friday, October 07, 2005

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed... flew out the window.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "That's what you get for jumping on the bed!"

Bronx boys jumping on bed catapult through window


Lil Bit said...

I'm sorry... kids fallin' out of a 5-story bldg shouldn't be funny.
But dammit, that cracked my ass up! LOL

Tanya Kristine said...

oktoberfest tonight Mr. Wirthy. can you make it?

DaMasta said...

Damn idiot spawn.

Mozo said...

Damn, I was jumping in the bed @ the W in New Orleans after several too many Hurricanes @ Pat O'Brien's when I fell off and split my head open. Eight staples later... Thank god it was on the first floor.