Sunday, December 25, 2005

Today in history

0001 - Jesus was born. After listening to Mary bitch about having to give birth in a barn, and not fully believing her immaculate conception story, Joseph took off on a three-day drinking binge.


Anonymous said...

Wirthy - Check this out.

Anonymous said...

I know i shouldn't, but what the hell.

One even has a radio and clock on it. The reason why I am looking at these, is that I bought a washer/dryer in India and it advertises a free breakfast maker...who knows what it looks like.

angie, party of one said...

Finally, an accurate translation of the bible!

Arbusto said...

They've moved the big Jesus's b-day a few times over the years. So this is an inaccurate post. Wirthy, I'm so disappointed!

Wirthy said...

Arbusto, everything on this site is inaccurate. I don't have any interest in checking facts.

Lil Bit said...

Facts, schmacts.
Who the hell knows when he was born? Some say in the Fall.
Christmas is just Christianity's way of taking the winter solstice celebrations away from the pagans. Those heathens! LOL

Hope you had a jolly one though. ;)